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The Thief's Heir

79 Episodes

Latest Dec 2024

Twelve years ago, Aeon discovered he was adopted on the night his life toppled down into a spiral of chaos. A tragedy struck and Aeon found himself abandoned by his mentor Malcom. Alone and hungry, Aeon became a low-life thief, living out his days for a quick buck. Tired of feeling like he was missing a part of his identity, Aeon decided to find the answers he'd always needed from Malcom, but first he would have to find him.

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ Riah (Mimi) L. LeBlanc β—ˆ πŸ’›πŸ€πŸ’œπŸ–€They/He β—ˆ Digital Comic artist β—ˆ β—ˆ β—ˆ

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