Maynard and Grimm
80 Episodes
Latest Apr 2024
The adventures of the worlds first electric dwarf and cyborg preist.

Phineus is created, drawn and written by Barry Linck
Barry Linck has been producing and publishing comic books for well over 3 decades. As writer, artist and creator, he has continued to produce his fan favorite ‘Phineus: Magician for Hire’ and ‘Gil: The Walking Dead (or Vampires Suck)’, a monthly comic strip. Barry served as artist on ‘Khozyain Protocol’, and contributed artwork for ‘The Creators’ and ‘Reverie’. Barry collaborated with Brian Babyok on such titles as ‘Pan’, ‘Phineus: The Glamour’, and ‘Dark Time’ An avid fan of role playing games, Barry co-created ‘Backwaters of Mysticism’ with John Burris. Barry did the art chores on the webcomic ‘Weirdlings’ .
Barry continues working on his 37th year of ‘Phineus’ the new ‘Magician for Hire’ & ‘Maynard and Grimm’ as well as Bastard Who: The Gentleman’s Chronicles and Phineus: Teen Wizard and ‘Creephunter’ with Mike Wood all while raising a family in Pittsburgh. I hope to some day sell out and have really bad Saturday morning cartoons of my stuff (they still do have Saturday Morning cartoons, yes?).