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Technically, Ben did nothing wrong, since Moss didn't warn them against reading the Big Guy's books. Growing up, there were times where my brother (our Forever GM) would make sure none of us had read a particular book or seen a particular movie, then told us not to until after next week's session because he wanted to use parts of it.

I dunno if I'll ever touch on the Big Guy's story, but for those curious, the broad strokes are this: He's a forgetful guy who loves to travel and write. Big imagination, little focus.

The Big Guy picked up Mossfoot early in his travels as a mascot. He eventually settled in Japan for a time, then England, before returning to Canada. He assumes he bought the other three along the way and forgot, but in his imagination he likes to think they tagged along.

He married and settled down, and Rebecca came along not long after that. His stories never sold the way he hoped, so he now works as a marketing copywriter, a job that is killing his soul by inches. His wife works in the city running an animal shelter, which is how they got their ferret, Ms. Ferretsworth.

That's all you really need to know about him for now.



Fuzzy Knights